When even a few members of your department struggle mentally and physically, they also struggle with engagement and performance. The unintended consequences – added stress on the team supporting them requires action.
Conversely, when employee wellness is prioritized, Gallup found that employees are three times more likely to be engaged at work, over 70% less likely to experience burnout, and 69% less likely to look for a new job. Organizations have also seen increases in productivity (66%) and employee satisfaction (67%)—both result in many benefits for your organization. In a rapidly moving public safety environment first responders can’t take risks with preparation or a mindset for success.
That motivated us to develop our state of ARTe “Great to MAGNUS” Coach Certification for First Responders and Public Safety at the National Command and Staff College in collaboration with NTOA.
Between 2020 and 2022, engagement dropped four percent.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise as people were still feeling the after-effects of COVID related personal illnesses, family adjustments, layoffs and more. Factor in the “Great Resignation” and “Quiet Quitting” headlines across the nation, including massive numbers of public safety professionals. Now those remaining are still feeling overworked, and ultimately under appreciated. This, of course, all takes a toll on emotional fitness, mental health, and by extension, the effort that is puts on our workforce.
In public safety that’s a double crisis, it means you’re serving communities in an energy crisis while experiencing it yourselves.
Fortunately, there is a bright side. We’re starting to see a growing trend that should give every organization struggling with officer or employee engagement, and performance new hope: organizations that put well-being first are getting more from their departments across both industry and public safety. (insert MAGNUSWORx stats)
Those who apply coaching support for these well-being approaches can maximize their investments with faster, better long term benefits through engagement.
Here’s why coaching maximizes proven engagement for performance.
- Today’s employees expect to take an active role in their own development.
- They want to synthesize career and personal development paths and help set their own goals.
- To do this, they need tools, processes, and an enabling infrastructure that can help them be active participants in their own performance management program.
- Beyond performance enablement – they need human centered approaches to being empowered stakeholders in their future.
Coaching provides the processes and practices to maximize engagement with all training, development and well-being investments – the result is MAGNUS performance.
That’s why we’re excited to invite everyone across public safety to become certified in the world’s first ICF* accredited coach program through the National Command and Staff College & NTOA.
*ICF – International Coach Federation is the gold standard for coach accreditation worldwide
Click here to register and lead the way in your organization.
As the co-founder and ICF Lead Instructor for this groundbreaking program, I welcome you to become one of the first certified public safety professionals in a growing “billion dollar” coaching industry.
Especially now, when preparedness and mindset are at the heart of every first responder’s performance.
Dr. Cathy Greenberg, PhD, BCC, PCC, Masterful Coach Certified.
National Command and Staff College